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Heart services

Part of the heart services of Dr. Shahriar Mali Clinic

Heart services of Dr. Shahriar Mali Clinic

Services provided by Dr. Shahriar Mali:

  • Visiting patients who have had heart surgery.
  • Initial consultation for heart disease and high blood pressure patients.
  • Providing therapeutic consultations.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure, including resistant hypertension.
  • Prescribing and interpreting various diagnostic methods for cardiovascular diseases


It is a diagram that is drawn using the electrical energy of the heart by the relevant device and in diagnosing the cause of diseases such as blood clots; heart attack; Heart rhythm disorders and palpitations are helpful. This method is also used to adjust the dosage of drugs.

Holter blood pressure

A portable device consisting of a blood pressure cuff and a small monitoring unit. The blood pressure cuff is attached to the patient's arm, and the monitoring unit is worn with a small belt. After 24 hours, the device's findings are analyzed, and blood pressure fluctuations over the period are identified. This device is particularly useful for patients with "White Coat Syndrome," a condition where blood pressure rises upon entering a medical setting but is normal otherwise.

Cardiovascular Risk Test Device (ABI & CAVI)

This clinic is the only center equipped with this technology in central Iran. Using this device's data, the age of the arteries, the presence of blockages in the arterial tree, and the risk of heart disease now and in the future are determined. The patient is then placed under preventive stroke treatments or advanced treatments to relieve vascular narrowing. This device is used for cardiovascular risk assessment and screening in asymptomatic individuals for early disease detection. One of the advantages of this device is that it does not require patient movement, making it highly suitable for those with difficulty walking for any reason.

Exercise test

One of the methods of detecting heart vessel drowning is in which the patient walks on a programmed treadmill and the changes in the ECG are monitored. This method is used both in the initial diagnosis of coronary artery blockage and in patients who have already undergone surgery or balloon angioplasty.

Optical oximetry

This device determines the amount of circulating oxygen by shining infrared light on the tissues and is used to diagnose heart and lung diseases.

دکتر شهریار مالی

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